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World Dog Show 2010

...... and a very very special THANKS to Kim Kure who did an outstanding job in showing all our black schnauzers both days and made us 2 World Winners:-):-):-)

Team work results:

Pepper/salt schnauzer:

(97 entries)

Mohner’s Titan (ps): CACIB + BOS + World Winner 2010

Mohner’s Outsider In Space - progeny class (ps): BOB + BIS4

Mohner’s Breeders Class (ps): BOB

Black Schnauzer:

(59 entries)

Mohner’s Dark Dare Devil (black): CACIB + BOB + World Winner 2010

Mohner’s Gimli: vice Junior World Winner

Mohner’s Frisco-Girl (black): CACIB + BOS + World Winner 2010

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Very professional team - even our own hair stylist - here grooming.....

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..... our 2 handlers:-)

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Here our “black team” speaking about the last details before we start.....

..... and here it is confirmed by the “pepper/salt team”

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The first 2 males on the table and handler details is being discussed

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Now we are ready....... and here comes the judge:-)

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The handler team - and we do have fun, even that we try to be focused on the dogs:-):-)

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Stavros and Xavier  +  Helle and Titan

Stavros and Mohner’s Xavier in ch. class

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Xavier being judged

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Mohner’s Titan being judged

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2 who are very focused on each other:-)

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Titan first.....

and Xavier third in ch. class

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4 best males from ch. class: 1 Mohner’s Xavier - 2 Ankor Kurash Idalgo Zorro  -  3 Mohner’s Xavier  -  4 Aulerco Ahti

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And here he is again: WORLD WINNER 2010 - not so often that the same dog do twice:-):-)

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Stavros and Copycat waiting in ch class:-)

Stavros and Mohner’s Copycat being judged in ch class

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4 best females in ch class: 1 Ave Concord Rumba  -  2 Rinard Billie Buttercup  -  3 Mihan Hyazintti -  4 Mohner’s Copycat

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BOB competition

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BOB: Dronas Asti Mondoro  -  BOS Mohner’s Titan

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Our progeny BOB class: Mother: Mohner’s Outsider in Space and her off spring: Mohner’s Titan + Mohner’s Xavier + Mohner’s Harmony

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Our BOB breeders class: Mohner’s Titan + Mohner’s Xavier + Mohner’s Copycat + Mohner’s Spicy

Black schnauzers:

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Kim and Mohner’s Dark Dare Devil winning ch class:-)

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Kim and Gimli in junior class

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Best Junior male: Vice junior world winner Mohner’s Gimli - and 4th in the class his brother Mohner’s Gonzo

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Kim getting her first world winner today: Mohner’s Dark Dare Devil

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.... and here they are again together with the judge Bo Skallin from Sweden:-)

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.... and here winning Intermedia class:-)

Kim and Mohner’s Frisco-Girl in Intermedia class......

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Competition best female: Anu & Tacillan Rosa Mundi + Kim & Frisco-Girl

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And here she is again: Her second World winner today: Mohner’s Frisco-Girl

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BOB competition......................................

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BOS: Mohner’s Frisco-Girl  -  BOB Mohner’s Dark Dare Devil

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The progeny class in final ring......


..... and we was BIS 4:-):-)